dimanche 18 septembre 2011

Samedi je suis allée à Paris pour acheter quelques trucs, surtout un fermoir en T (comme elles m'ont expliqué à la boutique ça s'appelle comme ça) pour pouvoir enfin finir mon bracelet que j'ai commencé la semaine dernière.  Voila le résultat : un bracelet avec un collier. En tissu Liberty, bien sûr (j'adore ce tissu), et un pti dolphin au milieu. 

And because there are some Hungarian and Australian friends of mine who follow this blog I'll try to write in two languages. I hope it'll be understanable, it's been a long time that I haven't written in English. 

So, the thing is that on Saturday I went to Paris to buy some small things to be able to finish my bracelet and other things just for fun, to be able to create more and more. And the result of my Sunday is just up there, on the pictures : a bracelet and a necklace with a small doplhin in the middle. What do you think about it ? :o)

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